Star Trek Trailer is out!
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01-26-2008, 08:57 PM
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Oct 2005
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I'm glad there are a few people here who seem to also think that this movie is a step backwards.
I'm not really interested in Kirk and co.
Even during their early years.
It's not that they are not good or anything, but the fact they have had a TV series and around 6 or 7 movies about them.
P.S. Shatner and Nimoy are legends - whover's playing the younger versions will NOT capture the essence of those 2, no matter how good they are acting wise.
Why do you think Enterprise wasn't that well recieved?
People crave a forward/future timeline in Star Trek.
They need a new TV series based on a new crew, new interesting enemies/foes as well as the usual ones, and some great new adventures/stories.
I personally don't think they need a new movie now, especially based on Kirk.
But one way of re-energising the franchise would have been to make this movie based on what I mentioned above - new crew based further ahead in the future, cool new fancy ship, a new enemy similar to the Dominion/Borg/Hirogen (ie someone formidable), and take it from there.
Then from that movie - establish the TV series and see how it goes.
This new movie wont be bad - it will be a case of good movie, but meh.
Also relying on a lot of Star Trek fans.
I don't see millions of non Star Trek fans seeing this unless they go crazy over the marketing and advertising.
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