YES YES YES! Jurassic Park, FINALLY!!!
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12-20-2007, 07:03 AM
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Oct 2005
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And when the Oil is all gone....bye bye Dubai[rolleyes]
Oh really... becuase once a booming economic centre is established they won't be able to look after themselves without oil? [rolleyes]
Oil is simply the means to develop, but once deveoped it will be a very self-sufficient economic centre. The amount of people investing in the city is enourmous, so I highliy doubt it will go under. The people who are responsible for building up the city are not dumb either. The city is most of the most environmentally sound and future proofed communities in the world.
But then again they could always just do what the US did, and invade other countries when they run out of oil becuase they made the nation so reliant on conbustable and non-renewable energy that they cannot survive without it. [rolleyes]
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