I think the reason North America is so far behind on cell phone tech is partially cultural and partially due to such cheap land line rates. South Africa is just as cell mad as the UK which is surprising is isn't not exactly the technological capital of the planet. When I moved here from Canada about 5 years ago I couldn't believe the phones people had, regardless of their economic standing. Land line calls aren't "free" here though and actually cost way too much so now I find myself having only a cell. I keep it very basic though. Also, when I still lived in Canada there was a bit of a stigma associated with owning a cell. The only people I knew with a cell were drug dealers or moms with "pay as you go" phones who just kept them in their cars for emergencies. Owning a cell was basically a symbol that you think quite highly of your social importance. Its obviously changed quite a bit as all my buddies have a cell now but I think it's only recently that the mass market has really been there.