Thread: Breaking Bad
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Old 08-01-2012, 03:02 AM   #16

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I did go back and re-watch the Tortuga episode (the one where the cartel snitch gets his head chopped off by Tuco's cousins and then they strap the head on a turtle chock filled with explosives) because I'd thought I missed something that related to a later episode and didn't mind it, usually I can't watch something twice but the show is just that good. I might consider doing the same thing when I get through the fourth season - that is go back through 'em now that I know more about what's going on then maybe find a torrent for the fifth season's episodes.
Right before season five started, AMC aired all four seasons over the course of a week or two, usually between 2am and 5am est. I recorded and watched it all over again. It is really amazing how much I missed first time around and how much of what happened in earlier episodes is tied into later episodes.

This is going to be the last season but they are going to spread it out over 2012 and 2013. I will hate to see it go.
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