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Old 08-06-2012, 05:31 AM   #26

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Is there a big difference between Android versus Apple, function wise?

I'm wondering if I would be better off getting a Galaxy 10". I don't really want one, but I don't want to be totally lost in the transition.
Function wise? No I don't think so - maybe less integration but that's about all.

The difference is one is closed (Apple) and the other is open (Droid) with each having their very own pros and cons.

I think it just ends up being about preference - I was about to into a rant about Droid app code writers living in their mamma's basement in fuck'n Bratislava but I won't - not at 10:30 on a Sunday night I won't.

It's not even about price either, at the end of the day Apple products tend to last longer but they're more expensive so it evens out - basically you pay for what you get.
Tarrccrys is offline


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