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Old 07-11-2012, 08:02 PM   #18

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Oct 2005
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I dont disagree with you Telos, I also thought the questions were a bit to open to interpretation.

But which of the answers would be most likely given the question as its presented.

This is from the Rothco Survival and readiness page.


You’re on a hunting trip and you notice there's a black bear charging you and it's closing fast. You haven't loaded your rifle yet and you don't have pepper spray. What do you do?

A. D) Stand your ground and face the beast. Prepare to fight for your life with anything you can find to defend yourself. This is if you face a BLACK bear, if this was a grizzly you would do B, play dead and hope they leave.

What's the most important survival tool for a novice in a jungle senario?
2. B) Water Filter - If you can stay healthy you stand a better chance at surviving, and the ability to seek out resources.

If you're looking for insects to eat, which ones should you avoid?
3. B) Bright insects followed by D) Hairy insects

Which of the following are waterborne contaminants?
4. Which of the following are waterborne contaminants? ALL

A distress signal can be which of the following?
5. A) 3 fires in a triangle or B) 3 fires in a straight line = 3 is internationally recognized distress signal.

If lost in the wilderness, what is the first thing you should do?
6. C) Sit down & relax, collect your thoughts - You're lost, try to collect yourself and get bearing, then proceed.

To increase your chances in finding water, look for which of the following?
7. All answers except E are correct

8. If you have to spend a night in the mountains, where should you seek shelter?
A B) Somewhere in between the top and the valley, or D In the Valley

9. By the "Rules of 3's", without shelter and/or fire, you could die in as little as...?
A B) 3 Hours
Crundaangerge is offline


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