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Old 07-13-2012, 02:18 AM   #30

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Oct 2005
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Jesus Christ Telos, I fail to see how this is even practical in a situation for a average layman.

Can you create a scenario where this would be relevant. We all know your smart, (and smarter then me) which is why I question why you have such a hard time understanding anything I post.

This kind of intellectual prowess gives you a false sense of Genius, or understanding because the Human factor can not be gauged with any amount of accuracy. People are always changing, wants, needs, etc.. conditions change the whole equation. Which is why group thinking is popular, but has never worked. blah blah blah...

I get it, you know your shit, being ex-military.

But my guess is 7.225, or D.
Okay... a sentence

Your hand held GPS is dead being chewed on by a griz the same as you were. You need to communicate your position to a SAR aircrew using a basic cell phone having no apps, nor GPS tracking. With map and compass you've established a fair fix, however SAR need lat/lons to rondy and extract.
All you have other than the map and compass is a simple 12 inch ruler marked in 1/16ths. What is the "magical number" needed to extract lat/lons coordinates from the topo.....

Correct answer - 9 6/16 (9 3/8). Using the tick marks (+), all 7.5 min topos can be divided into 9 grids of 2' 30" on all sides. 2' 30" is equal to 150 seconds, 150 seconds being the scale required. Thus, 9 6/16 provides the 150 increments needed to plot lat/lons to an accuracy of 1 meter, or less....
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