The second part of your question has already been answered though, by all those who have spoken up about being effected. I know my work gave no second thought to FM.Yeah, it had a section on gaming, but that wasn't what the site was about, and its not what the filters saw. But now, with this Yougamers tag, filters need look no further than the title to see a reason to block it, even though FM still has nothing to really do with gaming. Honestly, i really don't see why FM was merged into YG. FM had the well established base, and YG had nothing (yes, i know it was still somewhat new, but in the end, it still wasn't doing well). The merge of FM into a useless site just make no sense. Things were good before the change, and there was no need to to change (the idea of not being broken, don't fix it..). This change has brought no benefits to any users; that is the point i think most people are trying to point out (though, many could be going about it in a more polite way...)