any ex smokers here ?
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04-24-2007, 05:30 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I just used the patches for about 2 months.
I'm actually quite surprised and pleased that its a whole 6 months since I gave up.
I do get the occasional craving, so I've a liking for cherry flavour "airwaves" at the moment.
My wife gave up for about 2 months, but due to some stress because of some pretty bad financial problems we've had she's started smoking again. although that sounds a little bit stupid really, cos we're skint but she can still afford to smoke,
Anyway, my 16 yr old daughter is seeing some lad who smokes, and stupidly she has started smoking herself now.
Although, I think she smokes less than 5 a day.
But I've told her that she has a choice when she is 17, she can either carry on smoking or give up and I'll help to fund her first car, but its her choice, smoke and catch the bus, or have a car and have her freedom, Should'nt be too hard a choice to make?
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