Work as life or work for life
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05-21-2007, 04:52 AM
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Dec 2005
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I had my own PC shop up in Canada until I divorced out of the country. I couldn't get away from corporate cash cows then, either.
When I can only buy 50 CPUs at a time and Dell can buy thousands upon thousands, they would sell retail what I paid wholesale.
I'm just against the whole mega-corp idea. Look at the Wal-Mart's not good for anyone in the long run. In the short run, sure, convenience and low price seem nice, until jobs start disappearing and wages drop.
Ever wonder why it takes two incomes now to match the buying power of one in the 60's? Because Corporate America pays just enough to its employees to keep people floating. It wouldn't hurt a corporation like McDonalds or Wal-Mart to cut back on expansion a bit and take care of its employees. Ever wonder why fast food has a 90% turn-over rate? Because it's slavery for pittance.
The Working class is being squeezed out of the American Dream because of math. Any corner that can be cut to earn profit will be cut.
All my grandparents worked for the same company all their lives, from the time they were teens to the time they retired. My father has worked for several large corporations including, most recently, Boeing. He's been there 20 years and is getting laid off because they found somewhere cheaper to produce the aircraft parts.
How much cheaper? 3% cheaper.
So now 1000+ highly skilled, highly educated and devoted employees are out of work in an area that used to be supported by the cold war (Oak Ridge, TN, a major Nuclear Weapons production city...formally) but now is pretty depressed unless you have a PHD and can get on Oak Ridge National Labs or as a doctor or lawyer or something.
Manufacturing jobs...well, do I have to say anything? Look at Detroit.
It doesn't make sense to cut 1,000 jobs where the majority of the work force has been there for 15+ years and have earned acclaim for most of those years for a 3% reduction in cost.
Employer loyalty has been sold for brand loyalty. And that's not good for anyone.
"Corporation: Noun: An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility." -Ambrose Bierce
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