You´re walking through a dark forrest path in the middle of the night,..
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04-17-2007, 10:09 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
I often walk home between 12-2am from work. It's an hours walk through bushland and past a lake, before getting back into the city. Full moon nights are just like day time, so it's not even a thought. But when their is no moon you best have a confident mindset, last night I thought someone was standing on the path ahead of me. I wasn't scared, but I couldn't make out what it was so I was weary. Turned out it was just a trick of the light.
Some time ago I scared the bejesus out of myself. I was trying a new way home in an attempt to save time. I cut through what I thought was just the backyard of an old church. It wasa dark as hell with no moon out, or any street lights. When it's impossible to see what's ahead I usually just follow the shading on the ground (consitant line of dark is usally a path). All was normal and I was just trying to figure out if their was a clearing ahead for me to get back on the road I knew was behind the church. Them BAM my front knee banged into something really solid about waist high. I used my hands to feel what it was, it was about 3 seconds before it struck what it was. OH ****! it was a tombstone [help] I wanted to run like hell, but I couldn't without risking running into other tombstones. So I carefully stepped my way through the old graveyard, every noise I heard quickened my pulse. The normal sound of Possoms was suddenyly very different, every tree shaking and screaming noise they made had me wishing I was out of their ASAP.
Once I made it to the road I jogged a block just so I couldn't see the damn church anymore.
So anyway. Yeah I'm not scared of walking around dark forests at night, infact I feel safe and happy. But if anything out of the ordinary happens my feelings would change to "fight or flight" pretty quickly. Which means a ghost or alien would scare me equally as much, hell a clown would be just as scary!
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