Is there a doctor around? (heart problems)
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03-27-2007, 05:16 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Any chest pains should be seen to right away, if you're really that worried skip the doctor and go to the hospital for a checkup.
It could just be something like muscular pains of the chest.
It took me 3 doctors to finally get a result with my condition. I kept getting a very high racing hearbeat when I was in my teens, even just a simple walk up the stairs and I was pumped with adrenaline.
I had a terrible self awareness of my own heart too, especially at night which pointed right to the problem of a sinus tachycardia. All fixed now, even if it does take 3 pills a day for the past 10 years. Stupid adrenal gland!
Just go get it sorted, reading up about stuff, although interesting, will only panic you more and could make your symptoms worse with stress.
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