Women Cant Parallel Park
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02-22-2007, 08:27 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
I think you all need to agree to disagree. Both women and men can be bad drivers, neither of them are worse than the other. Men can have some pretty stupid driving, and so can women. Men think they are better behind the wheel and get cocky and think they own the road. And women are sometimes given a bad name for driving, but both are stupid mistakes. My brother in laws pick up was written off yesterday by a guy that passed his test 2 months ago, saw my brother in law on the roundabout but kept going anyway as he pulled out at a roundabout junction without looking, until he smacked into the side of the pick up and writing the saxo off. Now this is stupidity on the guys part more of a accident mistake but a mistake all the same, yes he has only been driving 2 months, but he passed his test, therefore he should be able to drive. Neither men and women are different when it comes to driving, just men just see the faults in the women, and when a fault with a mens driving is pointed out it has to be the womens fault(there must of been a woman there somewhere!)
I have seen men that can't drive, and dont know the width of their cars, i have seen men that can't park. And I have seen women that do exactly the same.
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