If you could instantly have a plate of any meal in the world magicly apear,..
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02-19-2007, 05:54 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
We used to have a chinese gourmet chef in Fresno that made the best chinese food I've ever eaten. Eating his food actually ruined my appetite for any of the other 30 or so other chinese joints in Fresno, as his food was THAT GOOD. Anyway, he used to make these Honeyed Walnut Prawns that were simply exquisite. I used to get a buzz eating them because they were so good. All of his food was phenomenal, but sadly he closed his restaurant in Fresno (he was in a high rent area that wasn't visible from the main streets and never advertised, so he never built any regular clientele and got behind on his rent).
I'd take a plate of those prawns if I could get them now...
Where did you go, Dennis???
When business was slow, he'd come to our table and carve beautiful flowers out of chinese turnips for us. He used to call me his "number one customer!"...
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