Aislinn, my friends and I go out to them every so often. However, my lap never stays vacant and God help the poor girl who glances at me for too long. Though one time my best friend and I went to this cheesy one near the closest big town to where we live. It's more the type of place to have a cold beer at a decent price and sit underneath an AC during the summer. Sometimes the decor is nice, others you get to look at cellulite, cesarean scars or beef flaps hanging down around their ankles. [thumbdown] Well, one time this pretty little thing got up on stage. We scooted a little closer, dollars in hand. When she got to our end of the stage she got this wild eyed look and said, "I know you!" My friend was already bolting for the door, only to find out it was one of my brother's ex-girlfriends. Haha! She ended up working the same place as her mom! [rofl]