Need help from UK onions: What to visit in London and surrounding areas?
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01-22-2007, 01:43 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
If you're interested in history and such you could go to the
Museum of London
. I'm meaning to pay a visit there myself some time, it's been years since I've been.
Also you could do a guided walk. I've been on several by
Lomdon Walks
, and they were pretty interesting. There are others that do ghost walks and such.
Alternatively, if you don't fancy going round with a bunch of other people you could purchase a book of walks (I'd recommend any of the books by Andrew Duncan), but you may or may not think it's worth it depending on how long you intend staying here.
and stay out of Peckham, you wouldn't like it [thumbdown]
I used to live in/near Peckham!
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