Well, its hard to disagree with as he only made like on or two valid points. The rest was a childish rant, paragraph after paragraph of incoherent nonsence. Yes, the psp is not as good as it could have been, yes, they sued that company, ect.. But this is pretty pathetic in my opinion. It would have made more sence and probablly had a greater impact if it were written with a bit of intelligence and respect for the reader instead of it being written by someone sounding like a spoiled child who has no parental guidance. I'd never take anyone who writes like this serious reguardless the "important" content. It's just filled with too much venom and hatred to even try and sift through for a underlining point. I feel more sorry for the person who wrote this than sony at this point. And its too bad to. He had some good points and waisted it between his meniacle rants and foul mouth rethoric, oh well..........