Walikum Aslam 1- What is the average time for cure you have observed with his patients. mine is done and i can read anything my mother's elaj is still going on 2- if we cannot call him only for a single day the cure has to started again. my mother call him after two days or sometime just one time in a week (you can say him you cant call everyday...the other people i know call him once in a week idk! 3- What is the avertage amount of money he asks. He told me that he will tell me the amount after cure after determining my financial status. he does not ask anything from us!!! he do it for fee sabil lilah (ohh yeah may be he is telling after your elaj is done he ask you to send money so that he can give food to poors he arrange food every friday for poor people 4- If patients get attacks again or get sick again what does he say. As i feel i get repeated attacks thats why i never get cured. he says to read durood shareef 11 times and then ya Allah 3 times and blow it on water and drink some water and rest sprinkle it on yourself (sometimes my mother call him that she is in attack so he said after Xmin call him and tell him your condition its ok brother everybody have a right to investigate as it is a serious matter may Allah heel you and protect you from evils ameen