No, but not exposing ones sins when Allah has hidden it is also part of Islam. Why do you not get the purpose of the thread? It is a Islamic ruling and I wanted to clarify its conditions. The salafus Salih also applied all the laws of Islam, including the ban on Riba. The governments who carry out rajm today are lax and liberal on riba, so they are hypocritical. Very few Muslims today consider riba to be a major crime...because it is everywhere we are encouraged to accept it as normal....when we should be all trying our utmost to identify it and to replace it with the halal. Riba is the root cause of many of the problems we have and Muslim governments that do it and also practice rajm are doing a massive injustice this needs to be highlighted. The jurists who sit in judgement in these countries should tell their governments that riba is a crime and it must be stopped.