Tawajjuh / Wajd - is it real?
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01-05-2012, 04:03 PM
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Oct 2005
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Tawajjuh / Wajd - is it real?
I have a specific question and hoping the learned brother/sisters on here can answer.
There are video's floating about youtube with some sufi's and some powerful 'Tawajjuh' going on.
I'm not interested in the movement or how the people react to this and what goes on or if they are brelvi etc all i want to know is in your opinion is this Tawajjuh real? is it genuine? I know in the videos some of them are probably acting or maybe they aren't (Allah knows best) but do you feel it is possible for Tawajjuh to have this effect?
I was discussing this with a brother who isn't a sufi or doesn't practise Tasawuf and he said the sheikhs/pir's use Jinns?
I ask this because I was recently invited to a mehfil and I witnessed this with my own eyes and at first I didn't know how to react and thought maybe just maybe some of these guys are over reacting then realised that I don't think they are ... I was telling a mate and he is convinced it is the use of Jinn.
What are your thoughts?
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