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Old 01-05-2012, 05:22 PM   #7

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Oct 2005
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I don't know about the specific event you went to but i see a lot of it on youtube videos, its the same kind of thing that occurs at darbars with music playing in the background and all these people going crazy jumping around etc we rarely see this type of thing occurring to those who are outside of the indo/pak community...maybe all the this tawajjuh is directed only towards that community lol
Ive seen the videos and yes your are correct. I was invited to one of their mehfils and attended recently and it was a very nice atmosphere mashallah the unity in the brothers was something I hadn't felt in a long time and then the zikr started and then the wajd/Tawajjuh. I have been told to come for at leats 7 mehfils and I will start to feel the effects.

I attended as I am currently looking to join a Tariqa and give bayah so just going to as many of the zikr circles to see what what goes on etc.
artkolkovk is offline


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