Tawajjuh / Wajd - is it real?
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07-11-2012, 05:17 AM
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Oct 2005
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Im quite intrigued with Wajd/trance states that occur with many muslims associated with sufism. In my opinion i feel that this state of trance is something which happens due to high emotions. One could be in this state in any situation regardless of what they follow. You see Christians, Jews, dancers, Qawali lovers all who get into trance state.
Just the ways sufis do dhikr via swaying heads and twirling movements is seen the same with christians who be in a trance state.
Wajd is a science that specialises in losing control of oneself to a higher level. You see with many sufis who have practised this art could get into this state really quick. Its like when a engine warms up in an aeroplane, the faster it gets the more power the plane gets. When speeds are high we have lift off.
Similarly with people who practise wajd they do movements. The more they move the more they lose control of themselves and hence be up in the air.
I belive this state is a persons own creation, its all to do with high emotions. When a mumin shows love to Allah s.wa and has a feeling of awe in the heart Allah s.w.a loves that mumin and will have the same feeling towards him.
But this losing control of the body/senses does not make sense at all.
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