Pakistan's creation pointless if it fails to become Islamic welfare state -Imran Khan
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07-05-2012, 12:26 AM
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Nov 2005
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this is the catch...just putting an islamic label on one's party or ideology doesnt make it actually islamic. you take even 0.1% of islamic shariat (which is why pakistan was created) and it doesnt remain shariat. it becomes secularism. and this is what is PTI and what is ikhwan ul muslimeen in egypt. secular parties who like to talk about Islam. manifesto says otherwise unfortunately.
nor do i believe claims of some PTI supporters about 'gradualism': that they will gradually bring islam into the constitution. how many of the supporters and the PTI hardcore elite will accept rajm and qata yad as hudood? how will they destroy corruption without qata yad?
if imran khan comes in power liberals will run amok in pakistan. the society will be further secularized.
this is exactly how the secular minded muslims fooled the indian muslims when pakistan was being created.
i have tons of other reasons why one should not vote for PTI. and an answer to the ridiculous question: if not PTI then whom?
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