akhi you dont get it do you. There are thousands of examples of people from salafis, deobandis, barelwis, shia, even people who were present in the time of the prophet SAW who apostated, like on the night journey, people shouldnt be using this as an evidence, it doenst prove anything. I can pull out countless examples of things ebing done by deobandis but what does this prove and what benefit does it bring when I should be seeking to unite with my deobandi brothers as one body to repel the assault on islam and further our ummah in the current geopolitical situations. I should be seeking to create unity and understanding between both salafis and deobandis, wallahi last night i correct 3 salafi brothers that deobandis dont believe in wahdatul wujood and that they hold a position on aqeedah that is the same as ibn hajr and imam nawawi, why? because i want to see MORE cooperation, MORE goodwill, when i see brothers rejoicing at the site of brothers who are striviing in dawah, because the kuffar decided to end the efforts of dawah, and supposedly this proves that the salafis are in chaos, there is something serioulsy wrong and people cant see past the bias in their hearts, talk about tazkiyatun nafs, there are definitely somethings brothers need to remove from their hearts from this forum, and it is bringing death and destruction to the ummmah. I cant believe that some brothers feel taht salafis are the biggets threat to islam right now, that absolutely astounds me. I accept that some salafis are in need of correction, but how can I invite them to a united salafi deobandi front when all i can show them is a forum where salafis are regularly blasted, linked with riddaa, and labelled as worser enemies than barelwis, qadiyanis, shia and kuffar? I ask Allah to show us all the right approach in dealing with our brothers and sisters in islam