Whats the difference between a muslim and a believer
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07-07-2012, 07:21 PM
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Oct 2005
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well the matter of concern is that
are we moomins although we all are muslims alhamdulillah...!
this was the thing i did write in the previous post and sorry i cant deliver things in proper english...
alhamdulillah i can talk in urdu and but weak in english...
if the post would be in urdu ...insha allah everything would be clear...!
(Jazakallah) ...Allah bless you all and shower his mercy upon every ummati of rasulullah
i want to make clarification on one more issue....!
well every arabi word cannot be translated to english rather no arabi word can be properly translated to english....
like barkat....what is its english translation
like paak....what is its english tranlation although clealiness is translation of saaf but not paak
similarly ahad, wahid, etc
similarly moomin=believer but it is not the perfect translation
because moomin is one with 100% YAQEEN, yaqeen means the reality which enters heart...the reality that whatever happens, happens by the will and power of Allah
so i am sorry if i couldnt deliver it properly
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