Performing wudhu with the blood of the Ulamah.
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07-05-2012, 12:58 AM
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Nov 2005
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I think is much on this topic that need to be discussed. Amazingly enough we the community are part of the problem. Now obviously when I say that, there would be hands raised saying, "Not All are part of the problem Mr. Abu. Generalization is not good". I know, that problem is not bred from all the community members, just like not ALL Ulama are working to fill their pockets. When I ask on and all to help the ulama in vicinity, then ofcourse I am not asking you to go through your money in a dumbster.
You want to spend money for goodness, so choose the goodness among you. Choose the Alim, Da'ee or Sheikh you are content in giving to. This I say becasue it is your money.
At the same time, do not start to judge the others without knowing everything about them. Allah knows whose sincerity is making him stand in nightly ibaadah, work on poor and orphans hidden away from people. There are bad apples everywhere, but With a positive outlook we can make positive achievements.
A question though.. how many of you actually see an Imam of a community to be its leader? (to answer this question, remove the perception of having 100 imams in london for 100 masajid.. and look at the majority cases i.e 1 imam for 1 masjid in 1 city... most of western cities are like that and not like bigger cities)
If you were to match an Imam position to a secular post.. what would it be?
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