Performing wudhu with the blood of the Ulamah.
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07-05-2012, 12:25 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Ajeeb. my heat at this moment is warmed by br. ----- sentiments. Download a free pdf and read it. You benefited from it now show that appreciation and arrange and send some money to the author if you can. If you cannot, then help your local Alim. Start with the one you are at odds with. You will never realize the darajah of those who are working selflessly for sake of Allah, being content with whatever Allah puts of their plate. Maulana, believe me there is no one on SF who can claim he / she does not have the means to buy books, there can be absolutely no excuse.
When the census are conducted, to ascertain someone's wealth, they ask certain questions, stuff like:
a) Age
b) Marital status
c) Self employed or job
d) Salary per annum
e) Number of electronic accessories like T. V, P. C, Washing machine at home?
f) Educated?
f1)If yes, till what level?
g) Vehicle?
h) Own house or rented?...the stuff.
Anyone posting on SF will definitely have almost all of these things, so even if you do not / cannot contribute towards the welfare / Hadiyah of the Ulamah,
the LEAST we can do is buy those books we take for granted. There's no escaping from this. There are NO EXCUSES.
Why not get together and make a brother's club to gather such money and fund students of deen, form a contingent fund for local Imam, make a pledge for da'wah courses and get ulama in. There is so much that can be done.
May Allah increase your zeal and ave lots of fruitful outcomes. Definitely.
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