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Old 10-24-2007, 10:46 PM   #4

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Oct 2005
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1. This guy was out in jamaat. He was the ameer. Then this sathi started acting real wierd. He had a copy of manzil and started reading it over the sathi. And all the other sathees of the jamaat saw a jinn leave and the jinn said something to this effect: the ayahs in manzil will always keep jinns away. The ameer told me this. Manzil is basically a collection of verses from the Quran. The link given by hazrat muadh above.

2. I dindnt know what an amil is till like 2 months back. Anyway this senior Alim of Ashrafiya silsila is an amil. And he takes money. And he is well respected and loved in scholarly circles.... so therefore taking money may not be totally OUT if you know what im trynna say.
Whatever means he employed when I heard about it seemed wierd, but then when I enquired scholars said that these are extremely complex things and beyong a common persons comprehension.
I say this because from your post I felt the drinking water thing came across as wierd to you.
But what I gathered was the money is really for jinns employed by the amil. Allahu Aalam.

my 2 cents

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