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Old 03-06-2008, 06:46 AM   #25

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I did search through the other sunniforum threads regards to black magic. I have a friend who has serious problems. He was referred to go to a certain aamil (the person who takes care of black magic). Now this person is a well respected individual. For what my friend says, he doesn't charge anything which shows he is sincere.

But what he gave him was paper with stuff written on it. My friend was told to dip it in water and drink it. I wanted to know if any one from here has done this and if it is effective. Where are the proofs from Quran and Sunnah to be doing that i.e dipping pieces of paper into water and drinking it?

Now the problem is that aamil has stopped doing what he does. There is another aamil in the city but he is extremely busy (he charges money also). My friend calls him every week and he tells him to call him next week at certain time. Then, my friend calls him again and he says the same thing to call him next week. And this has been going on for more than a month. My friend is tired of this, its almost like the aamil is trying to evade him.

I did check other threads and found ruqyas i.e certain verses of Quran to be recited. Has anyone used these instead of going to aamil? And has it been effective? Is it better to do ruqyah than go to an aamil?

If any of this stuff applies to you, please reply. Any advices will be taken.

Assalaamu alaykum akhi,

I don't normally post on this forum, i usually prefer to just come to the site and read some of the posts and discussions now and again.

But your post and reading some of the replies compelled me to to give you a response and help you.

If the piece of paper that was given to your friend looks as though it has Quran verses on it, then it's fine for him to follow instructions and to drink it in water. Some Ulama who deal with black magic and related cases may and some times will take money from people. There are legitimate reasons as to why this is done. The money they take (if they are genuine and not con artists as there are many of them around too) is not kept, rather it is given away in sadaqah.

This is a deep topic and i would rather not get into it to be honest. Nor do i actually have the time to do so.

But dealing with this field takes specialist knowledge. The sahabah themselves had many similar practices (which is now rejected by certain modernist scholars/pseudo salafis). There are many authentic narrations which narrate that the Sahabah would place for example a ta'weedh for protection on their children and would then take it off once they reached maturity. Umar r.a.'s has a famous incident of writing a letter and throwing it into the river nile when it would dry up (to cut a long story short), again which can be called a ta'weedh.

There are so many incidents which can be cited and narrated. It is usually the ignorant who tend to just jump and accuse everything of being shirk/bid'ah. It is unfortunate that they so blindly follow their peers without knowledge and keep themselves ignorant.

This will probably be my first and last post.

Hope this helps and was beneficial.

prehighaltitudesjj is offline


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