bro warea, just watch a couple of his'll quickly see that something is terribly wrong with adnan okhtar...i'll let you be the judge and you'll actually see whether or not what he's doing is outreach or something else completely. he's very similar to the witch doctor so called "peers" of india and pakistan. regardless you'll notice that i have not criticized him for having guests on his show that were dressed unislamically (especially if they were non-muslim) as is sometimes the case. what i'm more occnerned abotu is how he behaves and acts, the image of islam that he portrays, etc....i mean how can someone praise a new muslims ocnvert and speak as if they are such an expert on silam that they know exactly what allah itneds int he future, when mahdi is coming, he knows exactly what the angels are up to etc. and then the next video he's dancing to a beat and listeing to popular hihp-hop. then he's telling people about the greatness of islam again....does this man have no self-respect?!?!?!? i don't hold you to be a blind person warea (i really don't know anything about you), just watch his videos on youtube and you'll quickly see that something is terribly wrong in adnan oktar's head...i'm just confused as to what his goals are or who's interests he's serving.