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Old 07-04-2012, 06:29 PM   #18

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1) Misguided is he who cannot be guided. And guidance means 'negotiation/education'. If the graveworshipper wont budge, he's misguided; but if the hater-of-graveworshippers wont budge, then he too is misguided. Since neither of the two are willing to negotiate, neither can be guided.

2) Judging from the interviews ive seen from local people, theyre saying they are afraid of the guns, and hence are just standing and watching. They will simply rebuild it later, they say:

"They had armed men guarding the door. Just like yesterday, the population did not react. They said we need to let them do what they want, hoping that someday we will rebuild the tombs," Tandina said. (SOURCE)
This just shows that Ansar Dine did not discuss or educate, and did not receive approval before their destruction. It also proves the complete ineffectiveness of their tactics, seeing how people are just eager to rebuild what Ansar Dine destroyed. It also shows they have no political strategy for longevity by carrying out such actions in haste.

3) Inshallah

4) Respect the opinion of who? There are so many claiming authority, who decides who is best? Is Ansar Dine's the "legitimate opinion" simply since they have guns, the others dont?

5) "Militant" refers to one who is combative: the state fights its rebels, and the rebels fight the state. But the state does not fight its civilians/subjects. When the state does do that, that is called "tyranny". These are not Western concepts, tyranny exists anywhere. And this tyranny in the form "islamic state" has claimed many martyrs: Hussein, Zaid, Abu Hanifah, and most of the Imams that the shia worship today, and thousands others. They were all unjustly targetted by people who were tasked with the duty of islamic state/sharia. They were not following the "hukm of Allah", they were exercising their own hukm.

1) Sorry not sure what that brought to the discussion

2) We dont know the situation on the ground and the western media will always portray islamic groups in a poor light, giving totally made up interviews to show how much they are hated. Sometimes groups who are much loved by the people who rule by the shariah are vilified by the west because of an anti islam agenda to prevent teh establishment of shariah. So Allahu a'lam. I agree that they shoudl be aductaed and I hope inshAllah that this will happen, its from the salafi methodology to educate people in tawheed, in fact thats the core aspect of salafi dawah

3) baab mughalqun inshAllah

4) Respect the opinion of those in authority inshAllah. They hod the opinion that they must level graves because of the hadeeth and athaar I have proivded which do seem to strongly indiciate taht we must level graves. If they are following a valid opinion why shoudl we oppose it simply because we dont like "wahhabis"?

5) The state must implement shariah law. They must use force when teh shariah dictates and not use force when teh shriah doenst dictate. If you folow this, tehre is no conceivable way that you are oppressive because you are following Allahs law. Oppression is to do what Allah hasnt commanded, and he did order us to smash graves. So this is not "militant" or "oppressive". They are now the legitimate rulers of northern mali and as such must be obeyed by the citzens. As for using hikmah, may Allah help them in that inshAllah. But if they slip up, may Allah forgive them. At least they are trying to rule by Islam. Why is it that we have more to say about those who rule by Islam than we do about secularists and apostates?
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