Important petition:
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07-04-2012, 08:08 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Important petition:
Reform Post-Mortem procedures - Dont torture the dead
Responsible department: Ministry of Justice
Current standard inquest procedures involve corpses being cut open, and can take place several days after death. Both Islam and Judaism teach that bodies should be buried as soon as possible after death, and must not be defiled. The Government should allow the devout to opt for alternative examinations of their loved ones by pathologists, which will not delay burial or involve invasive procedures. Individuals should be allowed to ask for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Unless, the cause of death could not be ascertained through an MRI scan. Anyone asking for these scans could pay for any additional charges. This will ensure that coroners can be contacted quickly and Muslims and Jews can bury their dead as soon as possible.
Please all sign and forward inshAllah
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