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Old 01-16-2008, 10:58 PM   #4

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Oct 2005
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The noble shaykh has left this world.
Please make dua for the shaykh. Allamah Fultali (RAH) as he was widely known, was a very pious man. He was probably one of the very last scholars we had linking us to the great ulama of the past. He was a very moderate scholar and was a great example of the Shah Wali Allah (RA) school. His janaza will be performed later today.

My dear brothers and sisters;

the world has sufffered the tragic loss of a great Wali of Allah! Allama Saheb Qibla Fultali passed away around 20;00GMT on the 15th january 2008

May Allah accept his comtributions to Islam and the muslim Ummah and raise his status in the hereafter


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