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Old 06-04-2011, 09:31 PM   #33

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Promoting heresay is wrong. If you want clarification of what I say, there are plenty of his senior mureeds still alive, you can ask at Darul Hadis Latifiyah for more info.

But No, the shayk was NOT barelvi. Nor was he Deobandi. He was against the concept of Hazir i Nazir, and there is a youtube video circulating the web that shows him saying that there is no basis for this terminology found in the sharia.

But yes, he was pro mawlid.

And, no he was NOT anti-deobandi. He agreed with them on many issues. He had both supporters from the deobandi and barelvi camps, as well as haters. He was a close friend with the famous deobandi alim, Allamah Bourana sahib qibla (rah).

It is because of people like Allamah Fultali (RAH) and Allamah Biscutti (RAH) that we in Bangladesh, have many people who are neutral in leaning.

PS: He was also against the istigatha practiced by barelvis, if you go to a mawlid gathering that one of his student/followers hold. You will clearly hear at the dawah at the end of the salwat, the shaykh saying Ya Allah please convey our salams to your prophet sawas.

Rest assured, he did not agree with any fatwas of takfir aimed at any group of scholars. He has praised Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA) and Shaykh Al Hadith Zakariyah Khandalvi (RAH) numerous times, and I am sure the other akabir of deoband too.

Being a person who is pro mawlid, does not make one anti deobandi or one to become a barelvi, this is imporant to note.
No, my brother, you have some serious misunderstandings on the aqaid of Hazrat Saheb Qiblah Fultoli (ra). Nevertheless, i hope you do correct them soon. Firstly, Hazrat Fultoli saheb Qiblah (ra) WAS a Barelwi, NOT a RIZVI.He was a Barelwi in that his silsila extended through Hazrat Shaheed Ahmed Barelwi (ra) and he is his follower. However, he is not a follower of Imam Ahmed Raza khan Barelwi (ra) in strict manner as he did not follow all his fatawa (e.g. the one on the kufr of the deobandi Ulama). He still respects the great Mujaddid Imam A'la Hazrat (ra) and I'm sure considered him an un-ending ocean of immense knowledge. He is also very much in favour of kitabs such as ja'al haq and Bahare Shariat which he placed amonst one of the best kitabs) and immensely respected Shuyookh from this camp, such as Hazrat Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Na'eemi (ra) and others. But, he also had great respect for the akabir of the deoband (as you have mentioned hazrat Boruni saheb (ra), such as Hazrat Qasim Nanotwi (ra), Hazrat Rasheed Ahmed Gonghoi saheb (ra), Hazrat Ashraf Alli Thanwi (ra), Shaikul Hadith Hazrat Zakariyya Khandlawi (ra), Hazrat Mufti Sohool Usmani (ra) etc. Although, it is arguable that he has more differences with the deobandi aqaid than with the rizvi (e.g. mawlid, mazaar building etc). In fact, i'm afraid you are totally incorrect about his view on ISTIGHATHA as he was totally in favour of it and you can see in so many of his lectures and his mawlid (salatus-salaam) gatherings such phrases being uttered frequently. In fact, he used to give lectures in favour of it (some of which i have myself) wherein he would quote such noble awliya such as Imam-ul A'zam (ra) etc using phrases of istigatha. However, he is strongly against ISMAIL DEHLAWI but it can be said without any doubt (with allah as my witness) that he was a true sufi waliullah in its true sense and represented all the awliya from the previous golden generations. In fact, has anyone seen his eldest son? Subhanallah, he (Hazrat Mawlana Imad Uddin Choudhury fultoli (damata barakatuhumul'aliya) - his gaddinisheen) is also a widely famous wali-e-kamil ibn wali-e-kamil, without the slightest shadow of a doubt.

I do like your following statement though: "It is because of people like Allamah Fultali (RAH) and Allamah Biscutti (RAH) that we in Bangladesh, have many people who are neutral in leaning."

May Allah (SWA) grant him the highest maqam in jannah, next to the holy feet mubarak of our beloved rasool-e-akram (SAW) in whose love he spent his entire life - from his blessed birth to his noble departure. And may Allah (SWA) allow us to recieve the noble faiz of our great peer-o-murshid (ra). Ameen

P.S. if you want any clarification on what i have just said or an expanded explanation about the aqaid of saheb qiblah, you may ask the imam at brick lane jamme masjid, which was his headquarter and the main arena of his mahfils when he was in london. you can also ask at darul hadis latifiah, his madrasah. I hope you do not get offended by my statement as it was not intended in that manner at all. Jazakallah.
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