Tasawwuf for Tablighis
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02-21-2008, 04:46 PM
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Oct 2005
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sidi Salman,
1. You will see the same lessons for initiated everywhere..
2. You forget that Tablighi Jamaat is not solely for Tasawuf. This I think is the biggest misconception that is prevailing in this thread. While Khanqahs are established for the sole purpose of Tazkiyatun Nafs, Tablighi Jamaat encompasses a broader aim. This is why you would find majority in tablighi jamaat to be inclined towards or against the tasawwuf JUST LIKE in normal general population. To compare you would have to look at those withing Tablighi Jamaat who choose to go pursue sulook. And those who dont, are not left void as well .. they attain the blessing of ibaadiyaat in general.
3. Also look at the spectrum and types of people khanqas attend to.. e.g silsila Shadhiliyya is not in the forefront just like Owaisi etc.. So the perception of general masses within small silsilas will not really show in the a bigger Silsila. e.g Naqshbandi.. How many of naqshbandies general masses know squat about ibadiyaat let alone the secrets of Al-Haqaiq. Similarly Tablighi Jamaat covers the entire world.. So it is is very much plausable that a vast majority will not be dir hard in to tasawwuf..
4. At the same time It out to be mentioned very clearly, that the means may just be that (mean) but when it comes to ibadiyaat they are NOT ONLY means.. they serve the purpose of worshiping Allah. We do not wish to confuse the aspects of dhikriyyahs that once the mahasil is attained the mean is no longer required. With regards to Ibadiyaat they remain the core requirement for the Wilaya.. such that should one lessen his ibaadiyaat or leave faraidh he is no longer mustahiq of being called Wali.. rather a Dhalim who, while knowing the Maqam of a Fardh left it out.
If that is not the case with Sufiyaa in arab lands then I will only deduce that Tablighi Sufiyaa are more solid on the fundamentals of tasawuf.
5. Tasawwuf, as you said, is NOT knowing about the Ahwaal .. or knowing about the Aqwals, or knowing about the Abdaals.. it is a personal Ta'luq Ma' Allah. The intaha of it is that even the link of Sheikh gets blurred in ones link to Allah. And All this is such that even a streethawker can gain without having any abilities in the know how of aqwaal and ahwaal of tasawuf. He may be a laymen in your or my terms, yet be at a high level of Arif billah, without even knowing himself what his status is..
At the very end, the idea of this discussion is not to see Tabligh from Tasawwuf eyes, rather the opposite.. and as explained Tasawwuf is an integral Juzz of Tablighi Jamaat.. It doesnt have to be apparent in the general people .. as long as its teaching are practiced it. What needs to be apparent is Tabligh (towards the Ahkaam of Deen, and towards the Islaah un Nafs, and towards Islahul Muamalat), for which it is termed Tabligh.. It is a blessing of Allah that along with all these important factors, it also allows one to excel in his spirituality in ones link to Allah.
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