Real face of capitalism?
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07-03-2012, 05:26 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Don't for second think that these are isolated cases. This has happened to me last year.
I was visiting my college (as an alumni) and was driving a rental car, and, all the time I was there driving, I didn't notice anything wrong nor did I get pulled over by cops. Then a few months later I see a charge on my credit card from the rental car company, so I called them and inquired about the charge. I was told that there is traffic voilation against the car that I rented, and it was a fee that is charged by rental car company whenever there is an infraction against any of their cars. They gave me the number of "University security/Police" (yes, every university in US has an army of such police), so I called them to find out what caused the infraction. I was told that the "system" says that I was driving dangerously, and to contest the ticket I have to go back to the town and get a court date etc, and no there is no proof - just how one officer observed me drive", and, yes there is an outstanding fine against me as well.
I was surprised how can anyone be ticketed without any proof (no picture, radar readouts, nothing). I came to find out that this is normal and the university police does this all the time. This university is one of the to 25 universities of US.
The university is thousands of miles away from where I live now so there was no point on contesting the ticket. Finally, I had to pay total of $119 as fine.
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