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Old 07-03-2012, 07:02 AM   #6

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First of all, this is not "capitalism". Capitalism is a system where there is minimal state-intervention or restrictions (low/no taxes) in the market, i.e, free-market. What the US is and is many other countries: it is corporatism, corporatocracy, cronyism, and/or kleptocracy (see definitions on wikipedia).

If you want to learn about capitalism, then read up what "Libertarians" or fiscal-conservatives espouse, not what corporatists, liberals or neocons espouse. Here is a video to better illustrate the difference- (warning: background music) and another video-

The moment the state prevents free-market trade, it ceases to be capitalism. The moment the state bails-out a corporation, it ceases to be capitalism. The moment the State takes money (via taxes) and "subsidizes" it to a private corporation, it ceases to be capitalism. What you have been the victim of is a cleptocracy, corporatocracy, and the increasing police-state; not "capitalism".

Having studied capitalism and marxism, i can assure you most Muslims have little clue what they are. Rather, they depend on the Western definitions of "capitalism" and "communism". And this is part of the reason Muslims are behind, because whether they admit it or not, they are subliminally manipulated by the West.

Take for example the Iraq war, the shia's killed thousands. I have followed that war since the beginning, distributed j!hadi media, etc. We all knew the bigger enemy was the Rawafid, not the US. The common saying of the Iraqis was "The US will leave but Iran will stay". But MOST muslims paid no heed to the sectarian violence or shia death-squads killing sunnis in iraq. They blamed the US, and said that they were the ones killing people to get Muslims to blame each other.

Fast-forward to today. Syria is in civil-war, and the Sunnis are fighting the Alawis backed by their Shia allies. Now all of a sudden, everyone's turned against Iran and the Shia. Why this now?? This is because unlike in Iraq, where the US was supporting the Shia (to overthrow the sunnis). Today the US is supporting the Sunnis. And the rest of the Muslims, who always claim they know about US' conspiracies, are tapdancing to the US agenda once again. The fact that you ignored the shia's crimes before (which was 10X worse than syria today) is proof!

You are right it is a great slave system masking itself as freedom...all one has to do is stop listening to the propaganda spewed out by their mass media and it will be obvious to all.

There are attempts to make capitalism Islamic...and in theory it sounds good...but in practice it is reforming Islam to fit into the slave system. If Islam is against riba how come all the western universities offer courses on Islamic Finance? How come all these banks are keen to grow their Islamic finance sections? Is it even possible that people who love riba and have built institutions that pour out riba (banks) creating a highly divided society will love a religion that prohibits riba? No, so why do they like Islamic finance? Because it is a means of charging riba and changing the deen of Islam. Muslims must be careful we are supposed to be the middle nation, those whom Allah has sent to guide humanity...therefore we must establish Islamic muamalat. Trade is about mutual consent, not where one party forces another to choose trade or jail. People are waking up, this is a golden opportunity for Muslims to establish halal alternatives.

Muamalat Vs Islamisation of Banking and Capitalism by Prof Umar Ibrahim Vadillo
1 hour 20 minutes long.
"Interest" to capitalism, is like "Darwins Theory" to science. Whether you believe/practice it or not, it has nothing to do with capitalism. One can study biology or history and believe in "Evolution" (as the Kuffar do), and one can study the same subjects and not believe in "Evolution" (as Muslims do); it does not mean we're practicing a separate system/science.

If you read what capitalism means, then you'll see interest plays no integral function in it at all. Capitalism is all about free trade (exchange). Compared to the corporatist system of the West, the Islamic system is much closer to actual "capitalism". The only system more 'capitalist' then Islam would be a "Libertarian" system (and yes, ive studied that as well).

For example: in Islam, "Maks" or tarrifs are Haram. Which means Islam ensures free-trade without tarrifs (import-tax) or "protectionism". As it says in the Hadith:
- Narrated Uqbah ibn Amir: "I heard the Apostle of Allah (saw) as saying: One who wrongfully takes an extra tax (sahib maks) will not enter Paradise". (Sunan Abu Dawood)
- It was narrated from Abd-Allaah ibn Buraydah, from his father, in the hadeeth about the stoning of the Ghaamidi woman who gave birth as the result of zina, that the Prophet (saw) said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, she has repented in such a way that if the one who collects the maks were to repent like that, he would be forgiven.” (Sahih Muslim)

Many Muslims today have invented the concept of "Islamic Welfare State", a state that provides all the services imagineable to Muslims. But in Islam, ZAKAT of personal wealth is just 2.5%. If Allah or Rasul (sa) wanted, then they could have easily made it 20%. Because if you look at any "welfare state", Taxes range from 25% to 60% in any welfare-state:

Welfare state is also what gave birth to corporatism. A system where money is taken from the poor (public), and hander over to the rich (coporations) as subsidies/bailouts. This is totally unislamic, and it leads to corporotocracy and police-state. Corporatocracy is basically legalized-corruption. This is why LOBBIES dictates american/western economic and foreign policy. Its not called "bribles", it called "lobbying". Why do you think US sucks up to ISRAEL? because rich Jews run certain corps, and they use that power/money to buy-out politicians.

These wars (iraq), were not done for oil but rather for oil-corporations. The oil corps pay politicians, and those politicians push their agenda in congress/parliament. And once their successful, the corporations are awared with lucrative contracts, subsidies, etc. D!ck Cheney was a former CEO of Halliburton, and that same company made billions in Iraq. So the invasion was not for oil, but for the oil corps, security contractor co's, and military-industry.

In Islam, we are against superstition; but that doesnt mean we're athiest. Similarly, in Islam we believe in WELFARE (zakat,sadaqa,orphanages), but not 'welfare-state'. Because ZAKAT was not 25% but rather 2.5%. It is actually the shia who follow "Khums" at 20%. But to them their "khums" is not Farz (unless booty of war). Which means that under shia'ism, SOME people pay 20% of their wealth, whereas some pay NONE. This is how some people become free-loaders or leeches of the system (like in the USA). Islam also encourages wrestling, swimming, sports; does that mean the State should force that on people as well?? Other than zakat, everything else is upon the person's own good-will and taqwa.

In Sunnah, we encourage SADAQA, which is voluntary-charity. You can give as much as YOU want, not because of force by the State. Also in Islam, zakat is payed at the end of the year after all expenses have been done. And not on the INCOME (per month during pay-day, before expenses). This is how Islam encourages free-market, because our system ensures people have money to INVEST in business or SPEND on products.

Investing and spending both, create JOBS for other people. They inturn will live a better life and will buy products on their own (creating further econ growth, & jobs), and support their familiy, and so forth. After that, the money that will remain AFTER the spending/investing, or the profit that is gained FROM these new ventures. Those are what is calculated for Zakat 2.5%. If zakat/income-tax was taken monthly, then this would reduce our pay-check and would deter spending/investment.

Islam is very much in line with capitalism, or "fiscal conservatism". Most muslims however, are following Western form of phony "capitalism" which is merely corporatism, or welfare-state (can be mutually exclusive/inclusive). People forget that our Rasul (sa), his uncle, and his wife Khadija (ra), and numerous Sahaba were businessmen or traders (people who would be called "capitalists" today). Merchantry is what helped Islam spread around the world (especially South East Asia).

And it is our economic might that expanded our empire; millions converted to Islam because they saw our economic success, and our lifestyle with much less hardship (Hindus were engaged in caste-system, Europeans in feudalism, which kept them poor; the cleptocracy of their day). Today Muslim countries have terrible economic systems: anti-freemarket, and so on. And even the rich countries like Saudi is kleptorcray; UAE is corporatocray and kleptocracy . That is why the West can easily invade countries, because our destruction does not effect them one bit. When muslims will become a consumer-based economic system, thats when the West will stop killing us. Because nobody wants to kill their own customers, suppliers, or trading partners.

Countries like Iraq, Libya, Gulf, trade in OIL, and that is why they can be easily replaced with another regime. Because the OIL remains flowing (despite the war/invasion, which will be just a temporary hiccup), and the newer replacement stooge-regime will engage in corporatism (using tax-money to subsidize handing over lucrative drilling-contracts, weapons contracts, etc). The reason the West refrains from attacking China is because they see them as a MARKET (1.3 billion strong), where they will sell products to in the future. But just like China, muslims also have Huge population, but they dont see us a Market, they see you as Cattle.

Muslims are part of a global caste-system; where we are on the bottom, slaving away for those in the middle (leaders of Gulf-Arab & oil-producing regimes), and on top is the Noble/Brahim (represented by the West). As long as you are part of this feudalism, we can never receive our dignity. Because you have no worth other than to slave; just like the Blacks in America, the Serfs in Europe and Japan, the "Third Estate" France. Guess what destroyed that, it was the "bourgeoisie" (literally the Middle-class). Today, neither Japan, Europe, or America will want to revert back to feudalism, because these Serfs/Blacks are vital parts of the consumer-economy.

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