Is Salafi Interpretation of Koran in German considered a Koran
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05-26-2012, 07:36 PM
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Nov 2005
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I rather be called shriki muslim then a labmadabist.
I don't know of stopS and know nothing about his anti muslim sentiment. I will also adopt anti musim sentiment if the lamadhabist are suppose to examplify muslims.
Look mate!! the petrodollar arugment is no a figment of my imagination as you claim it.
What dawah are you talking about!! Just because one recieves airtime like Dr. Naiki, it means zilch. There are people grounded in traditon who became the means to guidance. But then again self gratification and gloating culture is what is common between christian evengelical missionaries and lamadhabist.
By the way Br. Hamza is a relative of mine and is refreshing. he seems to adopt Kalam and philisophy in his rebuttle. There were many reason why these people at the beging because the ghari muqalid organiation were good at capitalising and mobilsing providing information.
I lived in KSA for 3 months and know exactly lamadhabist tendency exist!!! uncivilised and dislike of following any rules! They had to adopt an auster form just to stop sexual revolution.
'the majority of the scholars did also not believe in Taqlid Shakhsi being obligatory!" This statement has to be seen within the context of time and history!! But then again context and history is not what lamadhabist are known for.
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