I want a deeper understanding on the issue of tests, Allah creating "evils" as tests, .. Can we infer all tests are therefore by definition NOT evil ? So when people say "Allah creates evils by cancers and wars and poverty and bombs", they are falsly attributing the evils of man to Allah, while any of these so called recognised day to day "evils" that are attributed to Allah, when they come in forms of test, are unknown to mankind (as in we dont know when Allah tests us) Therefore if evils are man made (given VAST majority of pain and suffering in world can be easily traced to mankinds reluctance to do good), or tests from Allah that we dont know..then is it unfair to attribute the giver of VAST majority of evils to Allah ? Allahs role in creating evil is therefore contextual to the "test" element which we dont know, and the ULTIMATE in charge of EVERYTHING in CREATION, rather than a giver of evil in the day to day living context above, as many people believe. So in this sense Allah does not give evil - Even the Evil created by mankind is absence of Good.