blog article defending niqab
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07-02-2012, 12:29 AM
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blog article defending niqab
came accross this little gem:
I particularly liked this bit:
"It just amazes me how many women especially, despise my choice of dress. Yet, would they rather their husband's secretary to be dressed like me or otherwise?
Would they rather the waitress serving the table at their anniversary dinner, be dressed like me or otherwise?
Is it me and my sisters who are turning their husband's head, or attracting their boyfriends??
Is it me and my sisters who have led their daughters to anorexia, or their sons to pornography?
Is it me and my sisters whose bodies and faces solicit their husband's/boyfriend's attention on every corner? Is it me and my sisters who have aroused that man to rape or harass their sisters?
Whose mode of 'dress' is truly oppressive and harmful to women??"
The blog itself is by a non muslim i think and has a lot of negative responses so maybe some might wish to respond?
They havent grasped the fact that shes not trying to convince them to wear it , but explaining why it shoudlnt be illegal
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