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06-08-2012, 12:02 AM
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Oct 2005
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Sword of Allah : Khalid bin Al Waleed (Raz)
By: A. I. Akram
Is this a good book?
I have read this book and also posted a review on SF (somewhere) I believe.
Before reading the book please understand that the Author is a “military strategist” and “Not a Scholar” so he prefers and favours Sayyidina Khalid Ibn Walid (RA) over most other Sahaba (RA) including Sayyidina Umar (RA) and admits it at places. Moreover he has relied on personal visits and books of Seerah (rather than Authentic Sunnhah) to reach his conclusions.
This book should be read as a tribute from one Muslim strategist (the Author who was an instructor at Staff College Quetta) to another i.e. Sayyidina Khalid Ibn Walid (RA) and he won't let anything else stand in the way.
I loved the book purely from a selfish emotional (military perspective) but I disliked the book purely from an Aqeedah perspective because we Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaah consider Khaleefatur-Rasool Sayyidina Abu-Bak’r As-sideeq (RA) to be the most superior and the author does criticise some of his moves (like sending the army of Sayyidina Osama (RA)). From a purely military strategically perspective he considers this move to be trivial (and even foolhardy) and YET the Ulamah consider this to be a defining moment of the Khilafah of Khaleefatur-Rasool Sayyidina Abu-Bak’r As-sideeq (RA) i.e. changing of guard from Risaalah to Khilaafah and YET keeping and persevering with the Sunnah.
So depends on your personal disposition and nature, you have been warned.
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