Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani's Reliability in Narrating Hadith
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02-18-2011, 04:34 PM
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Oct 2005
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The difference between Muzammil and Dr Ati is that of a copy and paste jahil and one who has actually understood what he is writing about. (the latter being muzammil)
Dr Ati take this thread into the den and see if any refutations can be found and then start posting here... isnt that what you all do.
What i find repulsive is that these idiots who write these articles dont know their alphabet and then start to write articles and books and some ignoramus who has a deep hatred for anything hanafi then jumps on the bandwagon and starts to act that like he knows more than anyone on the face of this earth.
By Allah i am not lying - i had a gut feeling Zubiar Ali Zai was ahle hadeeth and pakistani!! There is a pattern if someone is following the trend.
The true face of Zubair Ali Zai -
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