Got any common sense? Its typical hanafi hide and seek which you are doing. Imam Bukhari Ra came after Mohamad Bin Hassan Al shaibani and he did not praise him at all so this fairy tale that Imam Bukhari praised Mr B and Mr B then praised Mohamad Bin hassan Al shaibani is meaningless.Give a direct proof of praise instead. 15 muhaditheens have deemed Mohamad Bin Hassan Al shaibani to be Da'ef.The list included , Imam shafi ra , Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal ra , Imam Darqutni ra , Imam Yahya bin Mueen ra , Imam Nisai ra etc. How can u fight his case after the Jamhoor muhaditheen have deemed Mohamad Bin Hassan Al shaibani to be daeef? I hope u shall be gathering some more irrelevant praise now. All those interested in the arguments of Mohamad bin hassan Al shaibani reliabilty can watch the debate which took place between hanafis and Ahli Hadiths. Here is the link,plz follow it.