Great Revivalists Linked
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07-01-2012, 08:28 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
sorry if my previous post is a "tongue twister"
this should be clearer
Sheikh Ibrahim Kurani
Shah Waliullah
who taught
Muhammad Murtada az-Zabeedee
who taught
Jibreel ibn ‘Umar
who taught
Uthman dan Fodio
Sheikh Ibrahim Kurani
Muhammad Hayyat Sindhi
who taught
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab
Muhammad Hayyat Sindhi
also taught
Sheikh Abu’l-Hasan as-Sindee
who taught
Muhammad bin Raaj
who taught
Uthman dan Fodio
so Uthman dan Fodio (ra) shares at least the influence of the orthodox and revivalist attitude great scholar Sheikh Ibrahim Kurani (ra) and his student Muhammad Hayyat Sindhi (ra) with Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (ra), but what he does not share is Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab's Hanbali literalism or his downplaying of Sufism.
(though it may not be fair to say that he downplayed it as there is evidence to suggest he was happy with any Sufism that was not contrary to his understanding of the Shariah)
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