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Old 07-01-2012, 10:11 AM   #37

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interesting, but what makes you so confident of finding a group of generals within the army who would stage a coup for Islam? HT has been toying with similar idea (or wishful thinking) since ages and it has not reached anywhere. I think this assumption is more impractical than what Ikhwan is attempting.

My primary consideration towards such a plan is based on the Prophet's example.
He essentially staged a "shift of power and support" in Yathrib of the Arab tribes of Aus and Khazraj, from Abdullah bin Ubayy al Salul being crowned the first king of Yathrib to Islam and the rule of the Prophet in an 'Islamic state' in Al Madinah Munawwara.

(17:80) And pray: "My Lord! Cause me to enter wherever it be, with Truth, and cause me to exit, wherever it be, with Truth, and support me with authority from Yourself."

This ayah is seen as the proof of and command to accept the 'coup' and move to Yathrib.

Tafsir on this ayah:

"That is, either grant me power and authority or make some government my helper so that I may use its power to reform the corrupt world. This is because power is required to check indecency and sin and to enforce the law of justice.

Hasan Basri and Qatadah have made the same interpretation of this verse, and the great commentators like Ibn Jarir and Ibn Kathir have adopted the same. This is supported by a tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him): Allah eradicates by the power of government those evils, which are not eradicated by the teachings of the Quran. This is a clear proof that according to Islam, political power is also required to introduce reform, for admonition alone is not enough for this. Besides this, when Allah Himself has taught this prayer to His Prophet (peace be upon him) for the establishment of His way and enforcement of His law, it is not only lawful but desirable to acquire power and those, who consider this to be a worldly thing, are obviously in the wrong. What is really worldliness is that one should desire and acquire power for his own interest. On the contrary, the desire of power for the sake of Allah’s way is not the worship of the world but the worship of God."

From Ibn Kathir's commentary on this ayah:

Al-Hasan Al-Basri explained this Ayah; "His Lord promised to take away the kingdom and glory of Persia and give it to him, and the kingdom and glory of Byzantium and give it to him.'' Qatadah said, "The Prophet of Allah knew that that he could not achieve this without authority or power, so he asked for authority to help him support the Book of Allah, the Laws of Allah, the obligations of Allah and to establish the religion of Allah. Authority is a mercy from Allah which He places among His servants, otherwise some of them would attack others, and the strong would consume the weak.'' Alongside the truth, he also needed power and authority in order to suppress those who opposed and resisted him, hence Allah said:

﴿لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلَنَا بِالْبَيِّنَـتِ﴾
(Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs,) until His saying,

﴿وَأَنزْلْنَا الْحَدِيدَ﴾
(And We brought forth iron) ﴿57:25﴾

Tafsirs' Jalalayn and Asbabul Nuzul concur with the above.

And the example of the Prophet is that he first)made a public Dawah clear with the text and explanation for all, second)he prepared a group of believers who were cultured and guided sufficiently to lead and rule with such power, third) the power of Yathrib turned in their favor thereafter at the work of Musab ibn Umayr after two years.

I don't see HT establishing the first in Egypt, nor do they have the second within Egypt.
MB have the second, but have failed to present the first coherently.
Gamaatul Islamiya have been banned in Egypt, so they have neither the first nor have they been able to establish the second.

And Allah knows best.
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