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Old 06-30-2012, 05:43 PM   #13

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Oct 2005
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Deterred ten times bigger Hindu Civilization from physically interfering into Islamic world from the East ..... India never invaded Pakistan after nuclear explosions...

Today , Pakistani Strategic Missile Forces cover ALL of India ...and with 700,000 strong! soliders standing on the Indian borders..Not to mention thousands of Tanks , hundreds of Air crafts , and tens of naval ships and sub-marines are there ...ready to deter any Indian Aggression into 'lost Hindu areas' (lost to Islamic civilization) ...

Mission Accomplished.

Pakistani nukes achieved everything they were created for....

What are other Muslim nations doing? Specially rich Arabs ? NOTHING! Arabs only donate their money to the United States and get expensive 'toys' from there..Only hope for the Islamic World are countries like Turkey , Iran , Egypt , Indonesia , Malaysia , Pakistan etc ...

Muslims MUST become economically independent of the West .....

Good modern Islamic education (not cramming of Qur'an like in Madrassas) , progressive social education , focus on Science and Technology, and build up of economy should be Muslims' FIRST priority in today's age....

And yet..... 7 lone 'terrorists' enter your naval base and destroy aircrafts worth millions!

Does india even need to attack pakistan? We already have indian films playing in pakistani cinemas. We already have indian culture in our homes. They have attacked us through tv. We have lost the cultural war. kids in pakistan know what holi is, what mangal sutra is, what rakhi is... They kniw shahrukh khan, salman khan.. but ask any kid if they know who Umar is? Who is Abu bakr? They wont have an answer!

I think if india does attack, the situation will get better. Atleast the sectarian killins will stop and people will die for a cause.

As for abufatimah getting angry on arabs...... Saudis are doing alot... BUT for themselves, not for the UMMAH.

In our whole Islamic history, muslims have never been technologically superior to kuffar and this will never happen again.

The reason is simple, we dont fight on the basis on material superiority and this is where the truth of Islam is. from badr to afghanistan, we have always been less in numbers and technology.

We need to work on our imaan more than on technology.

Yes Allah has ordered us to gain strength in quran But He has also ordered us to enter Islam completely.

Whats the use of going into space when you dont even recognizr your creator?

Whats the use of nuclear bombs when you cant even implement Allah's law in your land?

No use....

And when khilafat comes again inshaAllah in a few years, it will not be because of technological superiority.. It will be because of Iman.

May Allah give us all complete hidayat.

Lauramalina is offline


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