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Old 06-26-2012, 10:26 PM   #25

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Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen has said that the beard is wajib according to all four Imams. He goes on to say that Shaykh Zakariyya has written the same in his book ihfa al-lihya of which Shaykh Bin Baz has written footnotes. Further, Mufti Saheb met a senior Shafi'i scholar of Madinah and he asked him the position of the Shafi'i madhab and he said that it is wajib. Anyone who claims otherwise has made a buhtan against the 'aimmah.

Lolz... Bro. Do you know the details of the Ikhtilaaf in this matter in the Shafi'i Madhab. There is valid ikhtilaaf inside the Madhab whether its makrooh or haraam to shave ones beard. Also it gets a lot more deeper when one gets into the definition of the beard according to Shafi'i Madhab. Let ulema issue statements, bro you shouldn't issue statements like ' Anyone who claims otherwise has made a buhtan against the 'aimmah'. Does that include Imam Nawawi, Al Rafi'i, Ibn Hajar and Al-Ramli ? Bro, kindly do not speak without knowledge, especially declarations like above. Its dangerous.

Below are mentioned ulema on both sides, who thought it was only makhrooh and the others who thought it was Haraam:

Shaykh Muhammad Al-Akiti states, “…the relied upon fiqhi opinion for the Shafi’is, for ‘amma (public) as well as khassa (scholars), by living (such as Habib Zayn Ibn Sumayt al-Madani) as well as those recently moved-from-this-world authorities (such as, the well-known Musnid al-Waqt, Shaykh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani al-Makki) is still that it is Makruh (all four Tawa’if of the school, al-Nawawi and al-Rafi’i, Ibn Hajar and al-Ramli, including Shaykh al-Islam Zakariyya al-Ansari, concur on this hukm)…”

In support of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Akiti’s establishment of Imam An-Nawawi’s view, I would like to mention the statement recorded by Imam Ash-Sha’rani who quote the Mujtahid Imam As-Suyuti as saying,
لما بلغتُ مرتبةَ الترجيح لم أخرجْ في الإفتاء عن ترجيح النوويِّ وإن كان الراجحُ عندي خلافَه

“Even when I became qualified to independently determine the official, relied-upon position of the school (rajih), I refrained from going against the verdicts of An-Nawawi, regardless if [what I determined was the] correct view was with me, I did not contradict him.”

Those who deemed it haram to shave the beard are not lightweights either. Al-Qaffal Ash-Shashi is said to be the “Scholar of his time!” He was a student of the great Shafi’i Imam Ibn Khuzaymah as well as the non-Shafi’i Mujtahid and Mufassir Ibn Jarir At-Tabari.

P.s. The definition of beard in Shafi'i Madhab is only the lihya(chin) not the aridin(sideburns).
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