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Old 06-27-2012, 03:59 AM   #35

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Oct 2005
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Wa'alaikum salaam

I am just asking what is the ruling of doing a makruh act? Anything unreasonable in that? I apologise if it is....

Cos in the hanafi madhhab multiple makruhs can turn into haram. And shaving a beard is a lifelong act. So ACCCORDING TO HANAFIS it would turn haram after a while due to persisting in a makruh deed for a long time.

So I just needed to know the corresponding views on committing makruh in the shafi'i madhhab.

Your question is answered in the detailed answer from Sunnipath about beard in Shafi'i fiqh.
Excerpt below:

"It is important to point out that someone who shaves
his beard in order to turn away from the sunna, or with the intention
of imitating non-Muslims or people of disobedience out of admiration
of them, then this is completely unlawful without any scholarly
disagreement whatsoever. Rather, if someone does this in order to
mock the blessed and pure sunna of our Prophet (Allah bless him and
give him peace) then—and Allah is our refuge—this would constitute
disbelief and would take one out of the fold of Islam.

I am only drawing attention to this point because I see that many
ignorant Muslims have been duped by un-Islamic cultural practices
that have invaded their societies: such people should realize the
danger of their ways and fix themselves by turning to Allah Most High
in sincere repentance and by venerating the sunna and the Sacred
Law of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace).

As for someone who merely shaves his beard without any excuse,
and without intending any of the above, then he has committed
something that is disliked and thereby loses out on tremendous
reward, but—according to the Shafi`i school—he is not sinful."

[end excerpt]

Wallaahu A'lam.

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