A pure hardworking economy like america. Manufacturing economy, IT, communications e.t.c. They dont sit on cozy cushions and eat dates. They have worked their ass of the last century. SAudi has its good side also - they are charitable country and they organize the hajj pretty well i was told. But the Islamic ideology pervading there is not the best. I argue against people who say SAudia has the best Islamic system in the world. No wrong. GEnuine Islam is self-practiced ISlam. Only if you have freedom to disbelieve that your belief will be genuine. If you get fed from day 1 to your death about how to behave and forced to do that then thats not genuine practice. I think Turkish Muslims are better than saudi muslims because the best Muslims there have emerged out of pure analysis, reason and consience. Thats why you get the group of Harun Yahya. A real model group of modern Muslims in my opinion. Further example would be Bediuzzaman SAid Nursi. We dont have saudi equivalents of Harun Yahya or Bediuzzaman. Intellectuals with deep piety.