Wholesome Education of Muslim Children
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06-27-2012, 01:15 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
By way of example, Abeka and Saxon are available through our schoolboard's resource centre at no extra cost to us (other than a refundable textbook fee). Likewise, other useful math resources are also available at no extra cost. What is not available is Islamic curriculum in areas such as history, theology, science, language etc. So, parents who want to teach these subjects to their children using Islamic resources must, for the most part, pay for them. While some get reimbursed for the resources, others don't. But also, those who get reimbursed, are at a disadvantage since their Christian counterparts get resources free of charge and can use their funding for other resources.
So, I totally agree that making these types of curriculum available to school boards (and this is no simple task) is really important - if for nothing more than to give Muslim parents more options and make it easier for them to deliver instruction; but also, having these resources available in resource centres makes it possible for non-Muslim parents to also pick them up for their children which can be fantastic if also paired with dawah efforts.
PouringRain... big hug for bringing this up!
[BTW: it is pouring rain here, alhamdulillah... with a little flooding and all!]
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